Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Andrea enjoying her cousins...

Paco's sister and her kids have been visiting us and Andréa absolutely enjoys the company. The kids are so nice to her and treat her like their own sister. We are having a great time while they are here!! Here are some photos of Andréa hanging out with her family!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Andrea's 1st Birthday!!

Andréa celebrated her 1st birthday April 30th(birthday) and May 1st(day of party). Paco's sister brought her 4 kids to celebrate Andréa's birthday! We had an awesome time and wished they could have stayed longer!! Andréa went to her 1 year check-up today May 3rd and Check Spellingshe currently weighs 19.4 lbs - 25th percentile, 29 3/4 inches long - 75th percentile and her head is 18.5 inches - 50th percentile. She was a little sick but she got her shots anyways! :( But she handled it OK for being sick too. She is into everything now days and I have to clean the house more often than usual but that's OK. All in all she is a healthy and happy little girl. Here are some pictures of Andréa's birthday celebrations (and mine). Thanks everybody for the wonderful gifts! This little girl is very fortunate to have the family and friends that she has. Sure wished Paco's parents and his other sister could have made it but maybe next time. :) Oh and there is 40 something pictures....ENJOY!

It's my birthday and I can cry if I want too!!
Aunt Jenn and Andréa

The girls!
Trying to grab the camera!
Little Miss Valentina (Andréa's cousin)
Valerie (Andréa's other cousin)
The gift to me from my brother and sister. So thoughtful!
Uncle Andrew and Aunt Jenn's gift to Andréa ( she loved it!)
The decorations
Miriam and Valentina (Andréa's cousins)
Helping blow up balloons

My happy family!
The delicious cakes!
Andréa's smash cake!

So yummy...but didn't want to get messy (like her daddy)

Her gifts
So many pretty dresses to choose from
The car that my boss bought Andréa for her birthday (just a little spoiled)
A baby doll....
Dayton just wanted to open the gifts so bad!
The kiddos (all but Andréa and Albert)
Sooo darn cute! Love these girls!

My best friend Jade and her son Dayton.

Ready for my ride!
Dayton pulling the girls!
Hey this just made it a whole lot easier
Going for a ride...
Playing at the park

She liked pushing it!
I'm so blessed to have such an amazing child and thanks mom and dad for all the help with the party!