Monday, November 12, 2012

Aiden's Birthday 9-18-12

Aiden James Jasso
Born: September 18, 2012
8lbs 2.2oz 20in

Leading up to the birth...

Baby Shower! It's A BOY!

My Baby Shower!!
(3 months behind)
It's A BOY!!
So blessed to have had a wonderful baby shower on August 12th, 2012 @ L.T. Church

 My wonderful family

 Jenn, me, Kayce (the hostesses)

 Me and my favorite little girl!

 Yummy! Miss Piggy's (my favorite)

 Such a cute idea (pinterest)
(Jenn, Paco and my mom made it)

 The snacks

 My diaper cake that Kayce made! Love it!

 Popcorn for the guests!

 My big belly! (34 weeks)